Modeling of suspended weightlessness on the cables of the beam system, by changing the tension forces

Автор: R.A. Sabirov, Fisenko E.N.

Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en

Рубрика: Informatics, computer technology and management

Статья в выпуске: 3 vol.24, 2023 года.

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The problem of weightlessness simulation of beam systems suspended on inextensible cables is considered. Imitation of weightlessness means zeroing or reducing any selected force factor (for example, the reaction of the support or the moment in the support or joint), and the kinematic factor (deflection or angle of rotation). It is required to select the forces in the cables such that the sum of the squares of the deflections at the points of the elastic line of the beam is minimal. The problem is formulated as a nonlinear programming problem; the search for the minimum of the objective function with constraints, in the form of equilibrium equations, is carried out. In general, all equations written out for a geometrically variable system are linearly dependent. Parameters are selected from the system of equations, the vectors at which are entered into the basis, and the remaining parameters are considered free and are the coordinates of the objective function. The problem was reduced to the problem of quadratic programming without restrictions. Partial derivatives of coordinates give a system of linear algebraic equations that allows you to determine the coordinates taken as free parameters, and then calculate the coordinates entered into the basis. The reference plan of nonlinear optimization problems can have local minima; it is shown that for any initial basis, the optimal plan is the only one. To calculate the deflections of the beam, the method of initial parameters is used. Deflection, angle of rotation, additional angles of rotation in articulated joints are considered as initial parameters; as well as the reaction and bending moment. The continuum problem is transformed into a discrete one by limiting the number of points at which deflections are calculated. The objective function has a finite number of variables. It is determined which number of selected points on the elastic line of the beams is sufficient to ensure the convergence of the functions of deflections, angles of rotation, bending moments and transverse forces for the purpose of application to practical calculations. Optimization of deflections of a beam pivotally fixed, suspended on two cables with verification of solutions, change of basic variables and convergence study depending on the choice of the number of points at which deflections are calculated is performed. The deformation of systems of I-beams connected by hinges to each other, having linear weight in gravity conditions, is analyzed. To simulate weightlessness, the system is supported by six cables. The boundary conditions are considered: – rigid pinching; – hinge-fixed support, – sliding sealing; – free edge. Models of three-beam systems in the simulation of weightlessness, to a certain extent equivalent. The type of boundary condition affects the first beam to a greater extent; the tension forces of the cables equalize the deformed and stressed state in subsequent beams. Any of the considered systems with the presented boundary conditions can be converted into an equivalent one by changing the boundary force factors, setting torques or installing a spring with a given stiffness and adjusting the tension of the cables.


Deflections of beams, method of initial parameters, nonlinear programming, regulation of deflections and internal forces, simulation of weightlessness, de-hanging of beams

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148329693   |   DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2023-24-3-482-500

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