Modeling of electromagnetic fields traction networks taking into account metal structures of portal type
Автор: Kryukov Andrey V., Suslov Konstantin V., Voronina Ekaterina V.
Журнал: Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия: Техника и технологии @technologies-sfu
Рубрика: Исследования. Проектирование. Опыт эксплуатации
Статья в выпуске: 7 т.17, 2024 года.
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Electric power transport facilities create significant levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF) in their surroundings, which can have a negative impact on personnel, the environment and electronic equipment. To reduce these influences, various measures are used, the rational choice of which in modern conditions should be carried out on the basis of computer modeling. To carry it out, it is necessary to develop digital models that provide adequate determination of EMF. In the spans between supports, the fields created by traction networks are plane-parallel in nature, and effective methods and means have been developed to calculate their strengths. However, near metal supports and other conductive structures, the task of modeling EMF becomes significantly more complicated, due to the fact that the field in this case becomes three-dimensional. An analysis of publications devoted to calculations of EMF of traction networks showed that methods for determining EMF near metal structures are not presented in the reviewed works. To solve this problem, algorithms based on the use of multiphase representation of traction power supply systems and implemented in the Fazonord software package can be used. The article presents the results of the development of digital models for determining EMF near rigid crossbars, which are widely used on hauls and multi-track traction networks of railway stations. Two operating modes were considered: normal, load and short circuit. Based on the modeling results, the dependences of the amplitudes of EMF strengths on the coordinates of the axes running along the road route and perpendicular to it were obtained. In addition, three-dimensional diagrams have been constructed that make it possible to analyze the distribution of EMF in space. The results of the studies showed that the presented methodology allows taking into account the influence of metal structures when modeling the EMF of traction networks. It can be used in practice when developing measures to improve electromagnetic safety conditions.
Ac traction networks, electromagnetic fields, accounting of conductive structures, emergency modes, modeling
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IDR: 146282953