Modeling of refraction factor in linear and nonlinear modes for nanostructure sitall

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The mathematical modeling of refraction factor in linear and nonlinear modes for nanostructure sitall is carried out. The analytical method is based on model of a movement intense oscillator, exposed to action of an external light. It is shown, that the nonlinear mode of a movement is accompanied by self-influence, and also possible generation of the second and third harmonics. The error of a method is appreciated which makes 3 - 4 %. Factor nonlinear rigidity for nanostructure sitall is found. The analysis of dependences determining change of a refraction parameter from intensity of light, has shown presence three characteristic sites - detained nonlinear mode, spasmodic growth and flat almost linear growth of a refraction parameter.


Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140191325

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