Simulation of targeted transport for drug substances. Part 1: a single administration

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In oncology practice, despite advances in methods for early detection, surgery, radiotherapy, laser therapy, targeted therapy, etc., chemotherapy is unlikely to lose its relevance in the near future. In this context, the development of new antitumor drugs is one of the urgent problems of modern conservative oncology. Despite the importance of the search for new compounds with antitumor activity, the clinical potential of the «old» agents does not yet seem to be exhausted. The transport of antitumor agents can give them a «second life» in the clinic. When developing the targeted transport for chemotherapeutic drugs, the changes in their pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics are of great importance. A pharmacokinetic model of targeted transport of drug substances has been described in this paper. There have been described conditions under which it is worth to search for facility of transport for the initial active agent. Primary screening of antitumor agents have been undertaken to modify them for the targeted transport based on underlying assumptions of the model.


Drugs, targeted transport, target tissue, antitumor drugs

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IDR: 140254095   |   DOI: 10.21294/1814-4861-2017-16-1-59-65

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