Modelling convective heat transfer processes between inhomogeneous gas mixtures and surfaces of a small-caliber artillery barrel
Автор: Podkopaev I.A., Podkopaev A.V., Dolzhikov V.I.
Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en
Рубрика: Informatics, computer technology and management
Статья в выпуске: 3 vol.24, 2023 года.
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The current models of aviation artillery weapons (AAW) are the pulsed heat engines that convert the energy of a powder charge into the energy of highly compressed and heated powder gases (hereinafter referred to as gases), which, when expanding, perform work on communicating kinetic energy to the projectile. In the context of artillery science, aviation artillery weapons and ammunition are structured as a system that interacts with heat sources and the environment, sequentially completing thermodynamic cycles. The main element that is most intensively subjected to thermophysical loads and has a significant impact on the combat qualities and cost of aviation artillery weapons is a small-caliber artillery barrel (hereinafter referred to as the barrel). As a result, the problem of determining the temperature field of the barrel is one of the central problems of designing aviation artillery weapons and optimizing firing modes. The successful solution of this problem largely depends on the accuracy of modeling the processes of heat transfer to the channel and from the outer wall of the barrel during firing. At the same time, an adequate synthesis and calculation of the relations describing the phenomenon of convection accompanying the shot is difficult, which is due to the presence of phase transformations in the state of gases; the simultaneous presence of supersonic and subsonic zones in the solution regions; the existence of laminar, turbulent flows and other non-linear formations. The aim of the work is to develop a relatively simple and acceptable for engineering practice mathematical model of heat transfer inside and around the barrel with near-wall coolant flows (hereinafter referred to as the model). Achieving the goal of the work is carried out by a concentrated choice of criterion equations of the apparatus of thermodynamic similarity, corresponding to the geometric and physical conditions for the uniqueness of the processes of loading the barrel. The introduction of functions that take into account the dependence of the thermophysical properties of gases on temperature made it possible to increase the accuracy of determining the parameters of heat transfer during a shot by 19% in comparison with the known results. The developed model can be used in applied calculations related to determining the thermal state of the barrel. The specialization of the object of study does not exclude the possibility of refining the model for the purpose of mathematical representation of thermal effects in thermally stressed structures of complex shape.
Heat transfer coefficient, criterion equation of the theory of thermodynamic similarity, thermophysical parameter of gases, adequacy
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IDR: 148329692 | DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2023-24-3-468-481
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