Modern methods for early diagnostics of hyperplastic endometry processes

Автор: Nazirova Z.M., Asrankulova D.B.

Журнал: Экономика и социум @ekonomika-socium

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 6-1 (73), 2020 года.

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At present, for practical healthcare, the issues of diagnosis and treatment of endometrial hyperplastic processes remain relevant. The emergence of new drugs, the widespread introduction of modern diagnostic technologies and minimally invasive surgery require the development of new approaches to the management of such patients.

Endometrium, hyperplastic processes, chronic somatic diseases

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140252394

Список литературы Modern methods for early diagnostics of hyperplastic endometry processes

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