Modern political image of Russia in Norway (on media coverage)

Автор: Sokolova Flera H., Koptyaeva Anna A.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Social science. Political science. Economics

Статья в выпуске: 18, 2015 года.

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On the basis of a content analysis of articles published in printed periodicals of Norway during 2008—2014, the current political image of Russia reveals in the article. The analysis of the most talked aspects of political image has been done, a set of causes and factors influencing the perception of the image of Russia in Norway reveals.

Russia, Norway, international image of the state, political image, the image of Russia in the media

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IDR: 148318743

Список литературы Modern political image of Russia in Norway (on media coverage)

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