Modern ways of logistics development

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This article considers flexible production and logistics systems and their advantages. There are the criteria of flexibility at the heart of these systems, which, in turn, act as prospects for the development of logistics.

Logistics, flexibility, versatility

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Список литературы Modern ways of logistics development

  • Мельников В.П.Логистика: Учебник для бакалавров/В.П.Мельников, А.Г.Схиртладзе, А.К.Антонюк.-М.: Юрайт, 2014.
  • Петров А.Е.Логистика в САПР. Часть 1. Логистика производства/А.Е.Петров.-М.: МГГУ, 2012.
  • Ташбаев Ы.Э. Актуальные вопросы и тенденции развития логистики//Молодой учёный. -2014. -№13.1.
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