The modernization of technology of oats grain flaking

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Technical analysis of scientific and technical literature studying of oat grain peeling showed that this operation did not require strong impact of working bodies on the grain, since flower films did not fuse with the core. The main drawback of existing oat grain peeling technologies was the length of the process due to using abrasive coatings in the equipment and low yield of finished product, while the most valuable components of grain, including dietary fibers and germ, were removed in bran. Upgraded oat peeling technology was developed, consisting of sequential operations including hydrothermal treatment with continuous mixing of oat grain and steam supply, grain drying using hot air, oat grain flaking by brush-vortex method, and vibration separation of the grain pile into whole and crushed grains and husk separation. To perform the work on this technology, the machine for peeling grain of film crops was developed, which was universal and combined sequential execution of working operations in one technological flow including steaming, drying and peeling of oat grain using a brush-vortex mechanism installed in the casing of the husker, the novelty of the design of made at the level of the invention, which is confirmed by the patent of the Russian Federation No...


Oat grain, technology, patent researches, machine, grain peeling, peeling products

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140248944   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-4-163-168

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