Modification of an institutional behavioral model including gender and age factors in the context of digital transformation of the socio-economic system

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The digital transformation of the socio-economic system has had a significant impact on the institutional environment surrounding individuals. Thanks to the spread of the Internet, digital services and social networks, as well as government support for the development of digital technologies through the introduction of special measures, such as the «State Services» or «EMIAS» platforms, the format of people’s interaction with each other and the degree of involvement in socio-economic relations have changed significantly different population groups that prefer different methods of communication. At the same time, different social groups have their own decision-making paths and behavioral factors, since they are unequally influenced by the surrounding digital environment. The widespread dissemination and implementation of digital technologies and services in all spheres of public life has led to the formation and development of institutions of the virtual environment, which, in turn, also contribute to the continuation of systemic transformational changes. Under these conditions, as well as as a result of evolutionary social changes, the influence of gender and age factors on socio-economic processes has increased significantly. Thus, the increasing role of the gender factor is associated with the growing involvement of women in socio-economic relationships, since the desire for gender equality and reducing the gender gap has allowed women to become full-fledged actors, increasing their influence on the processes taking place in public life. At the same time, the increase in life expectancy and the simultaneous extension of the period of socio-economic activity of people led to the emergence of the so-called “silver economy”, which also has an impact on the socio-economic system as a whole. In addition, digital services and digital technologies, which in modern conditions are available to children from a very early age, have allowed even the youngest generation to become participants in global socio-economic interaction within the Internet space. The above characterizes the increasing differentiation of the object of study of behavioral economics, since in order to obtain more accurate research results it becomes necessary to segment the social group being studied according to gender and age.


Behavioral economics, behavioral models, institutional person, economic behavior, institutional model of behavior, digital transformation, institutions of the virtual environment, gender factor of behavior, age factor of behavior

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142240317   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.3248

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