The modification of fishing marine hydrobionts of the Far Eastern seas

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Due to the reduction of traditional sources of food raw materials on the planet there is important search of nonconventional sources of raw materials for food production. Application of modern high technologies in the production of food, biologically active and other valuable agents necessary for en-suring normal activity of a person, and also in preservation of biodiversity and reproduction of natural and agricultural raw materials. Cucumaria as well as other species of trade holothurias is con-sidered to be delicious and pharmacological valua-ble product. Cucumaria japonica is dietary, high- proteinaceous, low-calorie valuable product. Its tissues contain a set of biologically active agents. The data on the composition of muscular tissue and internal organs of Cucumariae testify to high con-tent of collagen, glutaminovy acid, glycine and pro-line, also microelements, such as calcium, potassi-um, chlorides, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, io-dine. The research objective was receiving hydroly-zates of Cucumaria japonica muscular tissue. The main objective of experimental work was studying of features of peptide structure of hydrolyzates. According to electrophoresis Ds-Na-PAAG data at enzymatic hydrolysis of high-molecular proteins under the influence of chymotrypsin polypeptides with rather low molecular weight in area 12 … 40 kd were found. At enzymatic hydrolysis of high mo-lecular weight proteins by proteolytic enzymes col-lagens sea cucumber is their disaggregation frag-ments of proteins with rather high molecular weight of 100…120 kd were found. Hydrolyzates are easily soluble in water. At hydrolysis their disaggregation proteolytic enzymes of high-molecular proteins of collagens of Cucumaria and as a result peptides pass into a water-soluble state. Hydrolyzates can be applied as food additive to the enrichment of foodstuff low-molecular polypeptides.


Enzymatic hydrolysis, protein, cucumaria japonica, electrophoresis, pep-tides

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140224166

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