Modular platforms: possibilities for implementing personalized interface and functional adaptation in applications

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The article discusses the idea of platform architecture, which allows you to add your own module to existing modules within the framework of a “themes”. A theme is a set of such modules, as well as appearance properties, which allows you to change both the appearance and functionality of the platform by changing themes, improving the experience of interacting with the application. It is relevant, in particular, for social networks and other services intended for everyday communication of users, since this is where the dynamics of introducing personalization functionality are observed, however, it is not flexible enough due to the complexity of introducing such functionality into the existing code base due to the difficulties of expanding the current architecture, which did not provide personalization functionality for both appearance parameters and functionality in general.


Modular architecture, design, social networks, personalization, information systems, application architecture

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170204828   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-4-1-166-169

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