The modes of digital human existence of the information age

Автор: Solovieva Ludmila N.

Журнал: Общество: философия, история, культура @society-phc

Рубрика: Философия

Статья в выпуске: 4, 2022 года.

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The article focuses on philosophical understanding of the digital realities of human life in the modern information age. It is proved that the advanced technological development, especially in the field of information technologies and artificial intelligence technologies, and the processes of virtualization and digitalization caused by them set new parameters of ontology and anthropology of a modern person. The author concludes that the existence of a modern person is constituted by the global information space and is localized by the boundaries of hybrid reality - the aggregate unity of a physical world, supplemented by virtual and digital entities, and a virtual one. Frequent immersion and prolonged residence in this environment, which is not entirely natural for a person, contributes to the transformation of himself. The usual anthropological attributes, subjectivity, identity, physicality, are discredited. Human physics is technologically improved, supplemented with a digital component.


Human, information age, being, technology, information technology, digital transformation, virtual reality, augmented reality

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IDR: 149140200

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