Molecular-genetic analysis of gene XRCC1 polymorphisms at children of native and alien population in Kemerovo oblast

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Analyses of gene polymorphisms XRCC1Arg194Trp, Arg280His и Arg399Gln in two ethnic groups of Kemerovo oblast (shorts, Russians). Frequencies of occurrence minor alleles His and Gln gene XRCC1 correspond to the data received for Mongoloids, and will be coordinated with the data received for group of Russians in Kemerovo oblast. Frequency of occurrence minor allele Trp gene XRCC1Arg194Trp in shortsgroup is less than values, characteristic for Mongoloids (in various populations of the world) also is comparable to frequency of occurrence of it allele in group of Russians in Kemerovo oblast.

Genetic polymorphism, russians, shorts

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IDR: 148100695

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