Youth and modernization

Автор: Ivanova Svetlana Yuryevna

Журнал: Теория и практика общественного развития @teoria-practica

Рубрика: Философские науки

Статья в выпуске: 15, 2014 года.

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The contemporary youth is a driving force of social changes considering the huge innovative potential of the young generation, and at the same time a risk group in the context of their involvement in extremist organizations. The source of the mentioned risk is the desire to experiment against a background of the low reflection about the possible consequences. Formation of social, civil and other values of young people should be carried out in educational institutions, since the basic functions of the education system is to provide socio-cultural development of a person along with the creation of integrating intergenerational relations. Today, however, the education of youth in the educational institutions is virtually devoid of spiritual component (for example, deficiency of mass youth organizations, ignoring the formation of the correct principles of inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations). At the same time, the mass media have more and more influence on the civic consciousness of young people, often representing disparagingly the national leaders and members of the government, which is reflected in the public spirit of young people. Young people, who are involved in the socio-political life of the country, motivate their participation by the desire to find decent living conditions, not a civic duty or love of country. Therefore, for a successful modernization of a region and the whole country there must be more attention to civic education of the younger generation.


Young people, social group, education system, family, political activity, multiethnic region, socialization

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IDR: 14936063

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