Youth policy of modern Russia through the prism of the value dimension

Автор: Zubov V.V.

Журнал: Власть @vlast

Рубрика: Политические процессы и практики

Статья в выпуске: 2, 2024 года.

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This publication examines the problem of value orientation of youth policy, which represents an important area of internal political activity of the Russian Federation in modern conditions. The paper highlights the utilitarian and direct value aspects of youth policy. The author notes that the utilitarian component of youth policy expresses itself in the creation on the basis of well-planned state activities of the necessary material and property base to ensure a decent standard of living for the younger generation, and the direct value component - in the generation through the efforts of the state apparatus, of those ideas, views and beliefs on a national scale (primarily, patriotic, and statist), which will be perceived by young people as a guide to action. A comprehensive review of value-oriented youth policy is carried out through the legal, communicative, organizational and educational sections. The final part establishes that the vector chosen by the leading political forces in Russia towards greater value content in youth policy contributes not only to the consolidation of the younger generation around the ruling political order and the chosen course, but also to overcoming the negative trend towards the standoffishness of young people from politics. The involvement of young people in political life through the use of value instrumentarium will allow the continued improvement of democratic mechanisms for making key decisions of a nation-wide coverage, will become a useful aid for the development of feelings of responsibility for the country, citizenship and patriotism, and, finally, will serve as the basis for expanding the persistent participatory principles of political culture.


Youth policy, traditional values, value policy, socialization, statesmanship

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170204441   |   DOI: 10.24412/2071-5358-2024-2-105-110

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