Tatar invasion to Gazi-Kumukh in 1239-1240

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The article is devoted to Mongolian-Tatar invasion in 1239-1240, in Gazi-Kumukh. Gazi-Kumukh is located in the heart of mountainous Dagestan, in Lakia. Dating back to the XII century, he was the center of the Islam-ization of Dagestan and Chechnya. At the initial stage ally Gazi-Kumukh was Kaitag. But then began the rivalry. Kaitag yielded Gazi-Kumukh and lost the struggle for leadership. Then Kaitag entered into an Alliance with the rulers of Hunzaq that have not accepted Islam. However, the allies are unable to achieve success. During this period, Derbent was captured by the Mongol-Tatars, who were sent for the conquest of Ba-tu-Khan. Avar rulers turned to their leader for help. Between them was entered into political Alliance, sealed by dynastic marriage. So the war between the feudal rulers of Dagestan became the Gazi-Kumukh in the war for the Fatherland. From the East the Mongol-Tatars, and from the West, the Avars and their allies are kajtags moved to Gazi-Kumukh. Heroically resisted Gazi-Kumukh. But unequal struggle ended with the destruction of Gazi-Kumukh. So exactly described these events in Dagestan historical chronicle "Tarikh Dagistan". However, some authors, including T.M. Aytberov and A.E. Krishtopa do not accept set out in this essay facts, giving them a different interpretation, and, in fact, shuffle them around, throwing hundreds of years, thereby refuting the presentation of the work itself and transforming it from the historic monument to political pamphlet. This article advocates that works and gives the correct interpretation as set out in her events.


Feudal war, fatherland, shamkhal, ghazi, islam, christianity, chronicle, allies, aid, conquest

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14951193   |   DOI: 10.17748/2075-9908-2016-8-2/2-65-68

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