Monitoring of school achievements among students with mental retardation (reading skill): report 1

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Problem and purpose. In the article, the problem of school achievements monitoring , namely, reading skills in students with moderate mental retardation is actualized. There is a contradiction between practical relevance and insufficient development of technologies and practical tools to track the minimal school achievements of students with moderate mental retardation for short periods of time in order to correct the teacher working programs based on monitoring results. The purpose of the article is to identify the “strong” and “weak” sides of various technologies and diagnostic methods and to identify the most effective ones for monitoring educational achievements of students with moderate mental retardation. The methodology of the study is based on the analysis of domestic and foreign psychological and pedagogical literature, legal-normative documents regulating the issues of teaching students with mental retardation in Russia, and practical experience in diagnosing and monitoring school achievements of people belonging to this category. Results. The article describes the “strong” and “weak” sides of various technologies and diagnostic methods to be used by a teacher working with students suffering of moderate mental retardation in order to obtain information about the effectiveness of their actions and correcting working programs. The authors analyzed the possibility of applying the traditional methods, used by teachers (reading aloud, performing independent assignments and tests), observation methods, expert group, psychological and pedagogical experiment, curriculum-based measurement (CBM) and general outcome measurement ( GOM) in the current educational process. Conclusion. The analysis of the results allows us to suggest the hypothesis about the advisability of using GOM technology for reading skills monitoring in students with moderate mental retardation, but with some modifications, taking into account Russian specifics of teaching children with intellectual disability to read, and application features when using computer technologies (a computer mouse or a touch screen (tablet personal computer).


Mental retardation, reading skills, educational monitoring

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IDR: 144161780   |   DOI: 10.25146/1995-0861-2019-47-1-119

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