Monte Carlo numerical method in the problem of temperature stability analysis of electronic devices

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The problem of ensuring high temperature stability of parameters by reason of the characteristic features inherent in the integral performance becomes especially urgent for microminiature electronic devices. For the mathematical description of the electronic devices’ temperature error it is proposed to use the method of experiment’s statistical planning in combination with regression analysis. There are classes of electrical circuits in which the output parameter depends mainly on one-parameter electrical radio elements. In the article it is shown that the problem of obtaining the temperature error equation for such electrical circuits can be reduced to the problem of effective finding of the one-parameter electro radio elements’ influence coefficients. A modification of the Monte Carlo statistical method with the computational factor experiment’s scenario to find the temperature error equation is considered. Approbation of the proposed modification is carried out using the example of the electric circuit of the generator with the Wien bridge.


Electronic device, electrical radio elements, temperature stability, circuit simulator, spice model, factor experiment, regression analysis, monte carlo statistical method, temperature error equation, spice-модель

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 146279532   |   DOI: 10.17516/1999-494X-0050

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