Morphobiological features, productivity and quality of determinant tomato hybrids in spring greenhouses of Rostov region

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The main goal was to study and select determinant tomato hybrids suitable for early and late consumption. The research problems were to study morphological and biological features of hybrids of the tomato; to reveal the best ones on productivity and quality of production the determinant hybrids of the tomato suitable for early and superearly consumption. The new determinant hybrids of the tomato suitable for early and superearly consumption were the objects of the research. The research was conducted by using laboratory and field one-factorial experiment in the conditions of Rostov Region in 2018. The reliability of presented work was confirmed by the results of the researches conducted in accordance with the basic methods of laying and conducting field experiments, the necessary volume of accompanying observations and records, the reliability of statistical processing of the experimental data obtained and positive results of production check. On the basis of detailed studying and the assessment of considerable number of hybrids of the tomato in the conditions of AC "Rostovsky" the most perspective hybrids of the tomato of determinant type combining economically useful signs with high productivity and early ripeness were allocated...


Determinant tomato hybrids, spring greenhouse, early consumption, morphobiological features, economically useful features, productivity, quality

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IDR: 140248928   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-3-52-59

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