Morphological and lexical analysis of I. Bunin’s work "Dawn all night"

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This article examines the lexical, as well as the morphological level, the ratio of nominal and verbal parts of speech. All chapters of I. Bunin's work "Dawn all Night" are considered in detail to understand the meaning of the story, where the dream and reality of the main character are contrasted. The article also pays special attention to the images of nature, which reflect the inner state, experiences, and emotions of the heroine Natasha. The work explores such tropes as: epithet, anaphora, oxymoron, personification, metaphor. It is proved that I. Bunin language is picturesque, filled with various tropes, and plastic.

Analysis, verb, artistic means, heroine, nature

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IDR: 170203218   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-1-3-65-69

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