Morphological composition of grouse carcasses of the Yakut habitat

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The study of meat qualities of grouse carcasses obtained in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is given. The aim of the study was to investigate the yield of meat, by-products and inedible waste during grouse processing, as well as to determine the tissue composition of meat depending on sex and periods of the year. The object of the study was grouse carcasses harvested in various ecological zones of Yakutia, which has a vast territory and rich reserves of wild game animals and birds, hunting of which has always been important in the life of the population. It is an additional source of nutrition and income for the indigenous people. All studies were conducted on the basis of the educational laboratory at the Department of Veterinary and Sanitary Examination and Hygiene of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Arctic State Technical University. The morphological composition of meat was determined by analyzing the ratio of muscle, fat, connective tissue and bones. The results of the analysis showed that the fat content in grouse carcasses depends on the period of the year, with the autumn period characterized by a higher fat content. Fat deposits were found only under the skin and near internal organs, but not in muscle tissue. Thus, the study of morphological composition of grouse meat revealed species differences in the ratio of tissues. In particular, a high content of muscle tissue (77%), as well as low indicators of fat, connective and bone tissue characterize grouse meat.


Grouse, meat yield, tissue composition, yakutia, meat qualities

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142241275

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