Morphological Multiscale Stationary Wavelet Transform based Texture Segmentation

Автор: Mosiganti Joseph Prakash, Kezia.J.M, V.VijayaKumar

Журнал: International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP) @ijigsp

Статья в выпуске: 8 vol.6, 2014 года.

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Image segmentation is an important step in several computer vision applications. The segmentation of images into homogeneous and meaningful regions is a fundamental technique for image analysis. Textures occupy a vital role in a wide range of computer vision research fields; from microscopic images to images sent down to earth by satellites, from the analysis of multi-spectral scan images to outdoor scenes, all consist of texture. Although several methods have been proposed, less work has been done in developing suitable techniques for segmentation of texture images. After a careful and in-depth survey on wavelet transforms, the present study found that efficient numerical solutions in the signal processing applications can be found using Stationary Wavelet Transform (SWT). SWT is redundant, linear and shift invariant, that’s why it gives a better approximation than the DWT. In this paper a novel texture segmentation method based on “SWT and Textural Properties” is proposed. Multi scale SWT with Textural Properties and morphological treatment is used in the present study to detect fine edges from texture images for a fine segmentation.


SWT, texture, segmentation, morphology

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 15013387

Список литературы Morphological Multiscale Stationary Wavelet Transform based Texture Segmentation

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