Morphometric characteristic of the system “mother-placenta-fetus-newborn” at gestosis of pregnant sows

Автор: Avdeenko Vladimir, Rykhlov Andrei, Tresnitskii Sergei, Filatova Alena, Krivenko Dmitrii

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.4, 2018 года.

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It is established that in pig farms of various forms of ownership the number of animals with violation of reproductive function makes from 11.7 to 39.7%. As a result of the clinical examination of the basic herd of pigs revealed that obstetric pathology occurs on average 40.1 percent of broodstock, with 26.7% of the sows in the period of pregnancy registered gestosis with a classical triad: hyperhydration, hypertension and proteinuria. Depending on the symptoms, there were 4 forms of pregnancy complications with gestosis with symptoms of anemia (38.4±1.89%), hepatopathy (27.8±1.2%), nephropathy (34.5±1.7%) and paraplegia (9.3±0.7% of pregnant sows). Diseases of pregnant sows were clinically manifested by events of oppression - loss of appetite, pallor of visible mucous membranes, soreness of palpable area of the liver, proteinuria, hypertension, disorders of the Central nervous system, calving mobility problems, yellowness of the eyeball. Morphometric studies of the placenta in the gestosis of pregnant sows evidence that the length of the umbilical cord, the mass of the maternal part of the placenta, the thickness and volume of the child part of the placenta is reduced to a statistically reliable magnitude, compared with similar indicators in clinically healthy pregnant sows. Noted a significant fluctuation of fetus-placental ratio with an inverse of value. There was a significant fluctuation of the fetal-placental coefficient with the opposite value, in piglets born from clinically healthy mothers. The functional status of newborns depends on the forming processes of the maternal and child placenta, as well as the morphological and physiological properties of the development of fruits, which is confirmed by an authentic decrease in the body weight of newborns by 30.0-40.0% and weakly expressed motor-food reflexes.


Gestosis of pregnant sows, placenta, fetus, newborns

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14112454   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1198088

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