Intertidal Bryozoa of Dutch-Harbor, Unalaska, Aleutian islands

Автор: Grischenko A.V., Foster N.R.

Журнал: Вестник Пермского университета. Серия: Биология @vestnik-psu-bio

Рубрика: Зоология

Статья в выпуске: 3, 2012 года.

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Examination of the small bryozoan collection gathered within the middle horizon of rocky-boulder intertidal along shoreline of the Dutch-Harbor, Unalaska, Aleutian Islands, has revealed thirteen cheilostome species. Seven species have been found for the first time in this area. The most abundant are Cryptosula zavjalovensis, Cauloramphus spinifer and Porelb alba. All species form encrusting colonies on the hard substrata (rock, boulders and shells). Biogeographically, this fauna represented equally by Boreal-Arctic and Boreal elements. Despite this "historical" collection is small and does not correspond to the requirements of so-called "intensive approach" accepted for modern collecting techniques, the results obtained are still valuable for the inventory of the intertidal bryozoan fauna along the Commander-Aleutian Ridge.


Bryozoans, bryozoa, aleutian islands, intertidal, unalsaka

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