MultiBiometric Fusion: Left and Right Irises based Authentication Technique

Автор: Leila Zoubida, Réda Adjoudj

Журнал: International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP) @ijigsp

Статья в выпуске: 4 vol.9, 2017 года.

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Biometric science is one of the important applications in the pattern recognition field. There are several modalities used in the biometric applications, among these different traits we choose the iris modality. Therefore, this paper proposes a multi-biometric technique which combines the both units of the iris modality: the left and the right irises. The fusion combines the advantages of the two instances. For the both units of the iris, the segmentation is realized by a modified method and the feature extraction is done by a global approach (the Daubechies wavelets). The Support Vector Machine SVM is used to obtain scores for fusion. Then the scores obtained are normalized by Min-Max method and the fusion is performed at score level by the combination of two methods: a combination method with a classification method. The Fusion is tested using four databases which are: CASIAV4 database, SDUMLA-HMT database, MMU1, and MMU2 databases. The obtained results have confirmed that the multi-biometric systems are better than the mono-modal systems according to their performance.


Pattern Recognition, Multi-biometric System, Iris Authentication, Left Iris, Right Iris, Score-level Fusion, Support Vector Machines

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IDR: 15014177

Список литературы MultiBiometric Fusion: Left and Right Irises based Authentication Technique

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