Multiwave illuminator for photometric studies of single cells

Автор: Khokhlov A.A., Shugaylo V.V., Kononenko V.V., Kolesnikov S.S.

Журнал: Научное приборостроение @nauchnoe-priborostroenie

Рубрика: Приборы и устройства

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.23, 2013 года.

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Technical documentation was elaborated and a prototype of a multiwave illuminator was built, the use of which provides higher sensitivity and precision in microphotometric studies of single cells, in comparison with modern industrial analogs. The improvement of the designed illuminator’s characteristics was obtained as a result of the use of emitting semiconductor diodes as light sources, which ensured significant decrease of the background emission level and the deviation of the excitation light intensity compared to lamp sources. The control of the illuminator emitting wavelength is analogous, and the diode ignition control is carried out via a TTL-port. A computer control program via a USB-port enables the user to provide needed values of emitting diode currents and needed parameters of the illuminator ports, together with storing all the ratings in a file.


Microphotometry, illuminator, single cells, high-brightness leds, microcontroller

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IDR: 14264850

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