Museums and ethno tourism in the promoting the ethno culture of the Arctic inhabitants in the social space of the North: to the problem through the research experience of Mordovia Diaspora in Siberia and the central part of Russia

Автор: Akimova Z.I., Nikonova L.I.

Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north

Рубрика: Social Sciences

Статья в выпуске: 9, 2012 года.

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A major part of the museum as a center of preservation of ethnic cultures of the peoples of Russia belongs in ethno tourism. During the expeditions to the Permskiy region, Vladimir and Moscow regions, we studied them in order to collect materials about Mordovians. According to the 2002 census, the number of Mordovians in the Arkhangelsk region was 944 persons in the Murmansk region – was 2 479 people. We hope that together with ethnographers' educational institutions and museums of the northern region, we can begin to study the Mordovian diaspora in the social space of the Arctic and North.

Ethno tourism, museums, social space, Arctic, North Mordovians, Diasporas, Siberia, and Central Russia

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IDR: 148320385

Список литературы Museums and ethno tourism in the promoting the ethno culture of the Arctic inhabitants in the social space of the North: to the problem through the research experience of Mordovia Diaspora in Siberia and the central part of Russia

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  • Akimov Z.I. The Ethno-cultural education student - is the key to the success in the formation of the modern humane development of the individual and the society of the future of our state / / Journal of Education of Russia. 2008. Number 16. p. 59-73.
  • Archive Golovinskaya rural branch library, p. Golovin Petushki district of Vladimir region., Record in 2011
  • Archive municipal cultural institutions "Perm Museum." Krasnokamsk. 2011.
  • Balkin N.V., 1959 p., Director MOU "Secondary school № 44" in Vladimir, recording 2011
  • Boyko N.V. - the senior researcher at the museum and the ethnographic expedition participants, recording 2011
  • Verbitsky A.A. Some theoretical and methodological foundations of the need to develop educational psychology as a branch of psychology / / Problems of Educational Psychology. Research Center challenges the quality of training. Moscow, 1992. p. 5-17.
  • Gavrilov V.M., 1954 p., Math teacher and the head of the school museum MOU "New Alexander mainstream schools" Novo-Alexandrovsk Suzdal district of Vladimir region., Record in 2011
  • Hesse S.I. Fundamentals of pedagogy. Introduction to applied philosophy. Moscow, 1995; Ginetsinsky V.I. Knowledge as a category of pedagogy. L., 1989.
  • Grigorenko I.V., born in 1972., Director MOU "New Alexander basic general education school" Novo-Alexandrovsk Suzdal district of Vladimir region., Writing in 2011
  • Grushevitskaya T.G. The basics of the intercultural communication / T. Grushevitskaya, V. Popkov, AP Sadokhin. Moscow, 2003.
  • What kinds of museums are? URL: (datetreatment: 06/15/2012).
  • Kurochkin O.B., and. About the Director of the municipal cultural institutions "Perm Museum" Krasnokamsk, writing in 2011
  • Mizireva G.V., 1960, p., A history teacher and school librarian MOU "New Alexander mainstream schools" Novo-Alexandrovsk Suzdal district of Vladimir region., Record in 2011
  • Mordovians Far East / LI Nikonov, L. Schankina, NN Avdoshkina, VP Savka. Sa ransk, 2010. 312 p.
  • Mordovians tsirkumbaykalskogo region and the Republic of Khakassia / LI Nikonov, L. Schankina, TV Garmaeva. Saransk, 2010. 268 p.
  • Mordovians Western Siberia (monograph).: In 2 hours Part 1. Village Kalinovka: Siberian history and tradition Mordvin / LI Nikonov, L. Schankina, JV Sherstobitova, ed. Dr. ist. Sci. VA Yurchenkova. Saransk, 2009. 112 p
  • Mordovians Saratov region (monograph).: In 2 hours Part 1. Petrovsky district / LI Nikonov, L. Schankina, TN Okhotin, SA Makhalov, ed. Dr. ist. Sci. VA Yurchenkova. Saransk, 2009. 200 s. + 60 l. ill.
  • Mordovians southern Siberia / LI Nikonov [et al.] Saransk, 2007. 312 p.
  • The ethnic composition of the Perm region. According to the 1970, 1979, 1989, 2002. Federal State Statistics Service of Russia. Territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Perm region. Perm, 2006.
  • National composition of the population of the Republic of Mordovia. Statistical collection № 932. Saransk, 2005. 96.
  • Nikonov L.I. The dialogue of the cultures in the adaptation of migrants from Central Asia in the Republic of Mordovia / LI Nikonov, T. Garmaeva, AF Miller. Saransk, 2007. 168 p.
  • Nikonov L.I. The migration, ethno-cultural, social, regional aspects: plan-prospectus, issues and profiles of historical and ethnographic research / LI Nikonov, MN Romanov, AA Shevtsova. Moscow - Saransk, 2011. 32.
  • Nikonov L.I. The appeal to the basics: technique of historical and ethnographic studies of the region / LI Nikonov et al Moscow - Saransk, 2011. 60.
  • Nikonov L.I. Traditional culture of Armenians in the multicultural space of the Republic of Mordovia / LI Nikonov AA Shevtsova. Saransk, 2011. 224 p.
  • Nikonov L.I. Ethnocultural adaptation of migrants in the Caucasus republic of Mordovia (example of Azerbaijani Diaspora) / LI Nikonov, AF Miller, [Ed. Ed. VA Yurchenkov]. Saransk, 2007. 176. + Col. incl.
  • Nikonov L.I. Mordovian Diaspora: the history of migration in Russia Mordovians / / Mordva: essays on history, ethnography and culture Mordvin people / [comp. S. Markov] under Society. Ed. NP Makarkin. 2nd ed., Ext. and rev. Saransk muzzle. Prince. Publishers, 2012. Pp. 139-147.
  • Nikonov L.I. The pomegranate seeds: the traditional culture of the Azerbaijani and Georgian migrants in multiethnic space of the Republic of Mordovia / LI Nikonov, AF Mehl-nik, A. Shevtsova, Saransk, 2011. 260.
  • Nikonov L.I. The traditional culture of Armenians in the multicultural space of the Republic of Mordovia / LI Nikonov AA Shevtsova, ed. Dr. ist. Sci. VA Yurchenkova, Dr. ist. Sci. LI Nikonova, Humanitarian Institute. Science of the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. Saransk, 2011. 224 p. + 72 l. ill.
  • Nikonov L.I. The ethnocultural world Mordovia: historical-cultural study of the region: issues and forms / LI Nikonov, AF Miller. Saransk, 2005. 40.
  • On the results of the National Population Census 2010 in the Arkhangelsk region. URL: vpn2010/DocLib1 / Information 20materialy%%% 20O% 20predvaritelnyh 20itogah% 20Vserossiyskoy 20perepisi%%% 202 010% 20naseleniya 20goda/Itogi.htm (date of access: 15/06/2012).
  • Main activities of the museums. URL: (date accessed: 15/06/2012).
  • Intercultural education. URL: (date accessed: 28.12.2011).
  • Solomaykina M.I., born in 1966., Head Golovinskaya rural branch libraries, p. Golovin Petushki district of Vladimir region. 2011
  • Telyatnikova T.N., born in 1947., School librarian MOU "Average educational schools № 44" Vladimir. 2011
  • Filippov Yu Etnopedagogicheskie problem of ethnic socialization thesis. ... Dr. ped. Science. Nizhny Novgorod, 2006. 395. URL: (datetreatment: 17.11.2011).
  • Chagin G.N. Ethnicity and culture at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. Perm, 2002.
  • Akimov Z.I. The ethno-cultural education student - is the key to success in the formation of modern humane development of the individual and society of the future of our state / / Journal of Education of Russia. 2008. Number 16. Pp. 59-73.
  • Archive Golovinskaya rural branch library, p. Golovin Petushki district of Vladimir region., Record in 2011
  • Archive municipal cultural institutions "Perm Museum." Krasnokamsk. 2011.
  • Balkin N.V., 1959 p., Director MOU "Secondary school № 44" in Vladimir, recording 2011
  • Boyko N.V. - senior researcher at the museum and ethnographic expedition participants, recording 2011
  • Verbitsky A.A. Some theoretical and methodological foundations need to develop educational psychology as a branch of psychology / / Problems of Educational Psychology. Research Center challenges the quality of training. Moscow, 1992. Pp. 5-17.
  • Gavrilov V.M., 1954 p., Math teacher and head of the school museum MOU "New Alexander mainstream schools" Novo-Alexandrovsk Suzdal district of Vladimir region., Record in 2011
  • Hesse S.I. The undamentals of the pedagogy. Introduction to applied philosophy. Moscow, 1995; Ginetsinsky VI Knowledge as a category of pedagogy. L., 1989.
  • Grigorenko I.V., born in 1972., Director MOU "New Alexander mainstream schools" Novo- Alexandrovsk Suzdal district of Vladimir region., Writing in 2011
  • Grushevitskaya T.G. The basics of the intercultural communication / T. Grushevitskaya, V. Popkov, AP Sadokhin. Moscow, 2003.
  • What kinds of museums are? URL: (date of access: 15/06/2012).
  • Kurochkin, O.B., and. about the director of the municipal cultural institutions "Perm Museum" Krasnokamsk, writing in 2011
  • Mizireva G.V., 1960, p., A history teacher and school librarian MOU "New Alexander mainstream schools" Novo-Alexandrovsk Suz-Dali district of Vladimir region., Record in 2011
  • Mordovians Far East / LI Nikonov, L. Schankina, NN Avdoshkina, VP Savka. Sa ransk, 2010. 312 p.
  • Mordovians tsirkumbaykalskogo region and the Republic of Khakassia / LI Nikonov, L. Schankina, TV Garmaeva. Saransk, 2010. 268 p.
  • Mordovians Western Siberia (monograph).: In 2 hours Part 1. Village Kalinovka: Siberian history and tradition Mordvin / LI Nikonov, L. Schankina, JV Sherstobitova, ed. Dr. ist. Sci. VA Yurchenkova. Saransk, 2009. 112 p. + 84 l. ill.
  • Mordovians Saratov region (monograph).: In 2 hours Part 1. Petrovsky district / LI Nikonov, L. Schankina, TN Okhotin, SA Makhalov, ed. Dr. ist. Sci. VA Yurchen-kov. Saransk, 2009. 200 p. + 60 l. ill.
  • Mordovians southern Siberia / LI Nikonov [et al.] Saransk, 2007. 312 p. 59. The ethnic composition of the Perm region. According to the 1970, 1979, 1989, 2002.
  • Federal State Statistics Service of Russia. Territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Perm region. Perm, 2006.
  • The national composition of the population of the Republic of Mordovia. Statistical collection № 932. Sa ransk, 2005. P.96.
  • Nikonov L.I. The dialogue of the cultures in the adaptation of the migrants from Central Asia in the Republic of Mordovia / LI Nikonov, T. Garmaeva, AF Miller. Saransk, 2007. 168 p.
  • Nikonov L.I. The migration, ethno-cultural, social, regional aspects: plan-prospectus, issues and profiles of historical and ethnographic research / LI Nikonov, MN Romanov, AA Shevtsova. Moscow - Saransk, 2011. 32p.
  • Nikonov L.I. The appeal to the basics: the technique of the historical and the ethnographic studies of the region / L.I. Nikonov et al Moscow - Saransk, 2011. 60p.
  • Nikonov L.I. Traditional culture of Armenians in the multicultural space of the Republic of Mordovia / LI Nikonov AA Shevtsova. Saransk, 2011. 224 p.
  • Nikonov L.I. The Ethno-cultural adaptation of the migrants in the Caucasus republic of Mordovia (example of Azerbaijani Diaspora) / LI Nikonov, AF Miller, [Ed. Ed. VA Yurchenkov]. Saransk, 2007. 176. + Col. incl.
  • Nikonov LI Mordovian Diaspora: the history of the migration in Russia Mordovians / / Mordva: Ocher-ki on the history, ethnography and culture Mordvin people / [comp. S. Markov] under Society. Ed. NP Makarkin. 2nd ed., Ext. and rev. Saransk muzzle. Prince. Publishers, 2012. p. 139-147.
  • Nikonov L.I. The pomegranate seeds: the traditional culture of the Azerbaijani and Georgian migrants in multiethnic space of the Republic of Mordovia / LI Nikonov, AF Miller, A. Shevtsova, Saransk, 2011. 260p.
  • Dialogue of Cultures in the adaptation of the migrants from Central Asia in the Republic of Mordovia / LI Nikonov, T. Garmaeva, AF Miller. Saransk, 2007. 168 p.
  • Nikonov L.I. The migration, ethno-cultural, social, regional aspects: plan-prospectus, issues and profiles of historical and ethnographic research / LI Nikonov, MN Romanov, AA Shevtsova. Moscow - Saransk, 2011. 32p.
  • Nikonov L.I. The appeal to the basics: the technique of the historical and ethnographic studies of the region / LI Nikonov et al Moscow - Saransk, 2011. 60p.
  • Nikonov L.I. The traditional culture of Armenians in the multicultural space of the Republic of Mordovia / LI Nikonov AA Shevtsova. Saransk, 2011. 224 p.
  • Nikonov L.I. The ethno-cultural adaptation of the migrants in the Caucasus republic of Mordovia (example of Azerbaijani Diaspora) / LI Nikonov, AF Miller, [Ed. Ed. VA Yurchenkov]. Saransk, 2007. 176. col. incl.
  • Nikonov L.I. Mordovian Diaspora: the history of the migration in Russia Mordovians / / Mordva: essays on history, ethnography and culture Mordvin people / [comp. S. Markov] under Society. Ed. NP Makarkin. 2nd ed., Ext. and rev. Saransk muzzle. Prince. Publishers, 2012. Pp. 139-147.
  • Nikonov L.I. The pomegranate seeds: the traditional culture of the Azerbaijani and Georgian migrants in multiethnic space of the Republic of Mordovia / LI Nikonov, AF Miller, A. Shevtsova, Saransk, 2011. 260p.
  • Nikonov L.I. The traditional culture of Armenians in the multicultural space of the Republic of Mordovia / LI Nikonov AA Shevtsova, ed. Dr. ist. Sci. VA Yurchenkova, Dr. ist. Sci. LI Nikonova, Humanitarian Institute. Science of the Government of the Republic of Mordovia. Saransk, 2011. 224 p. 72
  • Nikonov L.I. The ethno-cultural world Mordovia: the historical-cultural study of the region: issues and forms / LI Nikonov, AF Miller. Saransk, 2005. 40p.
  • On the results of the National Population Census 2010 in the Arkhangelsk region. URL: vpn2010/DocLib1 / Information 20materialy%%% 20O% 20predvaritelnyh 20itogah% 20Vserossiyskoy 20perepisi%%% 202 010% 20naseleniya 20goda/Itogi.htm (date of access: 15/06/2012).
  • The main activities of the museums. URL: (date of access: 15/06/2012).
  • Intercultural education. URL: (date of access: 28.12.2011).
  • Solomaykina M.I., born in 1966., Head Golovinskaya rural branch libraries, p. Golovin Petushki district of Vladimir region. 2011
  • Telyatnikova T.N., born in 1947., School librarian MOU "Average obscheobra-educational schools № 44" Vladimir. 2011
  • Filippov Yu, The Ethno-educational problem of the ethnic socialization thesis. ... Dr. ped. Science. Nizhny Novgorod, 2006. 395. URL: http://www.lib.uaru. net/diss/cont/179967.html (date of access: 17/11/2011).
  • Chagin G.N. The ethnicity and the culture at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. Perm, 2002.
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  • Field material: Bukin AA, 1968 p.; Bukin AV, 1940 p.; Bukina A., 2004 p.; Bukina EV, 1970 p.; Bukina PV, 1940 p., Marino Leninsky district of Moscow; Kuvezenkova NT, 1969, p., Fedina OP, 1964 p.; Chumbaeva TT, 1961 . River, Moscow, writing in 2012.
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