Muslim ethics on personal egoism as a source of extremism

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The article presents an analysis of individual religious and philosophical views of a number of scientists and thinkers-Islamic scholars, studying the nature of personal behavior, in terms of identifying the egoistic principles of an individual, which have a direct impact on the lifestyle and behavior model of a person who has fallen under the influence of distorted ideas about the principles of Islamic teaching. Focusing on some of the findings of this corporation of researchers, addressed to the subject field of extremism, the author concludes on the importance of strengthening educational work with the population in the spirit of forming in each person a conscious attitude to philosophically substantiated statements regarding the maintenance of harmony in society between ideas about the personal and one's duty to society and one's state, as a whole.


Philosophy, ethics, egoism, islam, ismailism, extremism, personality

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170207198   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-9-3-112-114

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