Musical sources of "Doctor Faustus" of Thomas Mann: Richard Wagner as Leverkuhn's prototype

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The figure of Richard Wagner, the brilliant composer and reformer of music, poet and playwright, philosopher, author of numerous works on the theory of music, opera and dramatic arts, influenced the composer of the “Doctor Faustus”. The author of the scholarly paper emphasizes that T. Mann admired Wagner and seriously studied his creative heritage. The paper discovers an original path of Thomas Mann to embody literary and musical synthesis - “Doctor Faustus”, the biography of the musician, “repeats” the biography of the musician, the musical creative biography. The real-life collisions of Leverkühn’s career are modeled upon the life of F. Nietzsche. The Leverkühn’s creative biography, the list of his musical works and their general characteristics practically coincide with those in the creative biography of R. Wagner.


German culture, th. mann, r. wagner, art synthesis, literature, music

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