National reconciliation as a component of political culture: on the limits of acceptability of foreign experience

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The article is devoted to the theme of national reconciliation in Russia as the conditions of the termination of the hidden conflict within the society. The author focuses on the experiences and practices of foreign countries (Germany, Spain) that have gone through this process. The essence of de-Nazification through which passed the German society after the Second world war. The author believes that far-fetched, mechanical transfer of foreign experience to the Russian reality will result in confrontation and division of society. Based on the analysis of Russian and foreign researchers, the author comes to the conclusion that the appeal of certain domestic social scientists to “decommunization” of Russia following the example of denazification in postwar Germany not only do not lead to national reconciliation and Concord, but rather intensify confrontation in society. The article puts forward a number of constructive initiatives aimed at finding a compromise in the process of national reconciliation and stability in society.


National reconciliation, civil society, referendum, tolerance, compromise, confrontation, denazification, "decommunization", acceptability, counterproductive, foreign experience

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IDR: 144161106

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