National mechanism for protecting individual rights to housing

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Today, the human right to housing is one of the most vulnerable rights for violating. Annual increasing of illegal transactions in the sphere of real estate proves this circumstance. The above-mentioned problem is typical, firstly, for newly constructed residential areas. The state is developing a large number of measures aimed at solving the above-mentioned problem, for example, using maternity fund for improving housing facilities, the housing provision program for a young family, etc. First of all, this problem concerns vulnerable categories of the population, for instance, young families, disabled people, low-income citizens. The author studies in detail the mechanism for protecting individual rights to housing, the problems of this mechanism, and develops proposals for its improvement.


Housing, inviolability of housing, right to housing, jurisdictional form of protecting the right to housing, non-jurisdictional form of protecting the right to housing, recognition of the right to housing

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142232828

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