The principle of opportunity of prosecution in the prosecutor's practice: From receiving a criminal complaint to its dismissal

Автор: Mirkov Željko

Журнал: Pravo - teorija i praksa @pravni-fakultet

Рубрика: Views and oppinions

Статья в выпуске: 7-9 vol.33, 2016 года.

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Modalities of the principle of opportunity of prosecution in relation to adult offenders (deferring of a criminal prosecution and dismissing a criminal complaint due to a genuine remorse of a suspect) were a subject of many scientific papers which dealt with the theoretical and normative aspects of this institute of the criminal procedural law. According to the author's opinion, due to the increased application of this principle, it is necessary to present its practical - a prosecutorial aspect which hasn't been written about in many papers so far. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to show the work of a public prosecutor on a particular case where the principle of opportunity of prosecution is applied - from the moment of receiving a criminal complaint to the moment when the decision for its dismissal has been made. The paper is also consisted of prosecutorial documents which are related to the application of the principle of opportunity.


The principle of opportunity, deferring a criminal prosecution, genuine remorse, practical aspects

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IDR: 170202450   |   DOI: 10.5937/ptp1609060M

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