Exaрmles and causes of mistakes in Russian-Chinese translations made by Russian-sрeaking students

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Translation has always played an important role in development of humankind culture. With the help of translation people of one nation can learn more about other nations’ life, habits, history, culture scientific and technological achievements etc. Different nations use translation as a channel to establish economic and cultural contacts with each other. As the society and economics develop rapidly, China is establishing close collaboration with regions of Central Asia and Russia in economics, politics, culture, science and technology and education, extending international relations day by day. For example, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, with its geographical location, landscape and cultural peculiarity attracts a large number of visitors from Russia and Central Asia. In such circumstances the need for Russian-Chinese translators is increasing rapidly, thus we can observe surge of interest in learning Chinese language. Nowadays each large university takes an important task of training professional translators. However, while large attention is paid to training students, foreign students’ professional training still leaves much to be desired. For the foreign students whose mother tongue is Russian, Russian-Chinese translation is much more difficult than Chinese-Russian translation, especially communication of the original meaning while translating to Chinese language. This article performs some common information about difficulties that foreign students face while studying Russian-Chinese translation, a lot of examples is given in following aspects: 1) identification of the meaning; 2) choosing synonyms; 3) translating proper names; 4) common mistakes students with Russian as the mother tongue make while translating, with examining the reasons of such mistakes.


Russian language, chinese language, translation, mistranslation

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147219315

IDR: 147219315

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