Power engineering nanotechnologies. Рубрика в журнале - Nanotechnologies in Construction: A Scientific Internet-Journal

Experimental study of heat-insulating aerogel-based nanomaterials
Статья научная
Research and synthesis of materials with fundamentally new properties play the key role in the development of modern science and technology. The most perspective materials are considered to be aerogels: nanostructured materials with many useful properties. The mesoporous structure of airgels determines their widespread use, both in industry and in science. Over the past few decades, nanostructured silica-based material has become an integral part of many industry segments: thermal and noise insulation, electronics, chemistry, medicine, environmental protection, industrial and fire safety, energy, aerospace industry, consumer goods and military technology. The article discusses an experimental study of the heat-shielding properties of a heat-insulating material based on silicon oxide airgel – Insuflex. This is a flexible rolled material used for thermal insulation of elements of technological installations, pipelines, valves and control valves. Using the method of ordinal statistics, the exponential dependence of the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the airgel on the average temperature of the sample is determined. The results obtained indicate the possibility of energy-efficient use of the material in heat supply and heat consumption systems.