Invention review. Рубрика в журнале - Nanotechnologies in Construction: A Scientific Internet-Journal

The inventions in nanotechnologies as practical solutions. Part I
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A brief review of patents is given. The research performed by scientists, engineers and specialists in the area of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials result in increased efficiency of construction, housing sector and adjacent fields of economy. The invention «A method of introduction of single-shell and/or double-shell and/or multi-shell carbon nanotubes in adhesive additive composition for asphalt coating and application of single-shell and/or double-shell and/or multi-shell carbon nanotubes as a part of adhesive additive composition» refers to construction, in particular, to the materials used in road, airdrome and civil construction. Concentration (content) of single-shell and/or double-shell and/or multi-shell carbon nanotubes varies from 0,01% to 15% of volume of asphalt covering. The invention «A method to produce nanocomposite material» based on aluminium refers to powder metallurgy, in particular to production of metal and carbon composite materials and articles of them in different shapes and can be used in auto industry, shipbuilding, aircraft engineering and instrument manufacture and other areas. The invention «A method of low temperature application of nanocrystal coating of alpha-oxide aluminium» refers to method of production nanocrystal coating of alpha-oxide aluminium with high rate under low temperature. Coatings of aluminium oxide are characterized by high thermal resistance, chemical inaction, hardness, compression resistance, heat-insulation capacity and is widely used for protection the products exposed to high temperatures and aggressive environments. The specialists can also be interested in the following inventions in the area of nanotechnologies: device and method for production of powder materials based on nano- and microparticles through electric explosion of wire; vacuum machine for application of nanostructured coating made of material with shape memory effect on the detail surface; hierarchically reinforced heteromodular extrudable solid lubricant nanocomposite based on UHMW PE and a method to produce it; hydrogen-accumulating materials and a method to produce them et al.

The inventions in nanotechnologies as practical solutions. Part II
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A brief review of patents is given. The research performed by scientists, engineers and specialists in the area of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials result in increased efficiency of construction, housing sector and adjacent fields of economy. For example, invention «Elastic conductive film on the basis of silver nanoparticles», according to experts, is of great interest for science and industry. This new type of electronics potentially can be applied in many fields, such as elastic sensor skin for robot devices, portable electronics for functional clothes, elastic sensors and flexible electronic displays. Elasticity of materials is highly needed in electronic devices that contact the human body or curved surfaces. Elastic conductive film contains many annealed nanoparticles of conductive metal, in particular silver, applied on substrate. Adhesion of silver film is of great quality: when abrasion test was finished, there were no defects or there were slight defects. The specialists can also be interested in the following inventions in the area of nanotechnologies: a method to introduce single-wall and/or two-wall and/or multi-wall carbon nanotubes in composition of adhesive additives for asphalt coating and application of single-wall and/or two-wall and/or multi-wall carbon nanotubes in composition of adhesive additives; welding wire with nanocomposite coating for welding of high-tensile steel; A method to produce nanocomposite material based on aluminium; sewage treatment system with nanomodified natural sorbents et al.