Overview of inventions in the field of nanotechnology. Рубрика в журнале - Nanotechnologies in Construction: A Scientific Internet-Journal

Use of nano-sized components in multilayer composite materials
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Introduction. In our country, the use of composite materials for creating parts and structural components in the construction industry is not as widespread as it could be. Composite materials are multilayer structures made of reinforcing fibers, impregnated with a polymer binder, which is also an adhesive. The strength properties of layered structural materials are achieved through various reinforcing fillers and adhesive binders. Both glass fibre and carbon fibre fabrics and fibers themselves are widely available as layered materials. Various thermosetting resins (epoxy, phenolic, polyester, polyimide, polyamideimide, polyamide, etc.) are used as binding components. Among them, epoxy resins with high strength, wettability and adhesion to various materials are widely used. Layered composite materials (LCM) are used to make polymer reinforcement for reinforcing concrete structures, various pipes, shell frames to strengthen existing metal and reinforced concrete structures, load-bearing elements in light-loaded structures of bridges and crossings. However, at the same time they have a significant drawback – low interlayer strength (propensity to layering). As a result, the connection between the layers is disrupted, which leads to a significant decrease in the rigidity and strength of the structure. This phenomenon applies to all types of fabrics and fibers. Most often, defects in the form of layering are formed under the influence of shock loads. To improve the performance characteristics of such materials, various fillers have now begun to be used – powders (micro- and nano-sized) introduced into binder compositions. Main part. The analysis of the academic literature has shown that it is possible to increase the interlayer strength in structural elements made of LCM through the use of nanofilled binders and the introduction of nanoadditives into the interlayer space of layered materials. The article reviews the related inventions in Russia, USA, etc., which can be applied in the construction industry using nanodispersed components. With the widespread use of the presented materials (in bridges, pedestrian bridges and bridge decks, etc.), significant performance advantages can be achieved compared to materials traditionally used in the construction industry. Methods and materials. By comparing the data from the submitted patents for inventions, it was revealed that the introduction of from 2% to 5% of various nanocomponents to form a nanocomposite material provides a new means of modifying the physical properties of polymer binders. Results. It was revealed that the use of nanoparticles ensures the decrease in the fluidity of prepregs and the gelation time, and the increase in residual compressive strength and specific fracture energy – indicators characterizing the crack resistance of composite materials. As a result, fracture toughness, endurance and survivability increase. Conclusion. Increasing the reliability of composite materials leads to longer service life of products and structural elements in the construction industry.