Pectoral cross from the cultural layer XVII century of Tobol'sk city

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Purpose: This article discusses bilateral pectoral cross from the cultural layer of the city of Tobol'sk (XVII century). The main purpose of this article is an introduction to the scientific revolution of the artifact and holding his complete analysis. Results: historiographical survey shows that the pectoral crosses rare finds in archaeology Siberia. It is particularly important that the cross was found during archaeological investigations of Tobo'lsk city - old administrative and spiritual capital of Siberia, which is one of the oldest cities in the North Asia. The find was made during excavations in 2004, carried out on the territory of the Sofia yard of Tobol'sk Kremlin in the cultural layer, which can be securely dated to the XVII century. Orthodox Cross Pectoral belongs to the category of highly artistic bronze casting products, and, of course, made a professional craftsman. On the obverse is the image of Our Lady of the Sign on the reverse - the Crucifixion, as well as other upcoming holy image. Crosses with such images are well represented, as in the European part of Russia and in Siberia. On the basis of the European analogies artifact from Tobol'sk be dated XV-XVI centuries. In Siberia similar articles found on archaeological sites XVII-XVIII centuries. For European subjects typical image on the obverse of the Crucifixion. The fact that the Tobol'sk cross on the back is the personal image of Our Lady of the Sign is a testament to the special veneration of the image in the XVII century in the old Tobol'sk city. In honor of this image in the city and its sur roundings in the XVII century were established monasteries, churches were built, was written specially revered icon. And it is a testament to the proof that the cross was made by a local craftsman. According to written sources in Tobol'sk already in the XVII century was well enough developed bronze casting and production of jewelry. Pectoral cross today is traditionally perceived as a mandatory element of the external appearance of representatives of the Orthodox clergy, worn on the chest over the vestments. Pectoral crosses in the XVII century, ordinary people have inherited, presented at a wedding ceremony or used as ornaments for women. But at the same time of the clergy to wear a pectoral cross only permitted to bishops that specifically regulated. Presumably the cross could belong to higher spiritual person Siberian land because discovery was made in an area where there was a permanent place of residence of the bishops and metropolitans Siberia in the XVII century. Conclusion: On the basis of a comparative analysis, it was found that the cross was made by Moscow samples XV-XVI centuries. A characteristic feature is the location of Tobol'sk artifact image of Our Lady of the Sign - on its front side and the Crucifixion - on the back. As a result, taking into account all the circumstances, it can be assumed that the pectoral cross is a product of the Siberian production of bronze casting and can be dated XVII century. Presented instance is a clear indication of close economic and cultural ties ancient Siberian capital with the central regions of the country.


Tobolsk, xvii в., pectoral cross, our lady of the sign, casting, xvii century

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IDR: 147219037

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