Directions for improving methods of comprehensive assessment of corporate sustainability

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Sustainable development has become a megatrend that has a strong impact on societies, governments, markets and businesses around the world. Economic actors must meet the needs of their indirect and direct stakeholders, both current and future, through actions consistent with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The call for sustainable development is changing the business context and the factors that determine corporate success, which has implications for the applied analytical support for business decisions. The intensification of the involvement of economic entities in the promotion of sustainable practices largely depends on the quality of tools for a comprehensive assessment of corporate sustainability. The study substantiates the need to improve the methods of comprehensive assessment of corporate sustainability based on the study of the relationship between business responsibility and taking into account the economic, social and environmental requirements of stakeholders. The impact of the analysis of the sustainability of the company’s development on decisions related to the choice of partners and participation in supply chains is also noted. The phenomenon of reductionism of sustainable development is noted as a result of the impact of the fact that integrated assessment methodologies tend to minimize the set of private indicators used. The features of the use of summary and individual indices for the tasks of assessing the level of corporate sustainability are also analyzed. The application of business standards and data coverage analysis methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the sustainability of economic entities is proposed.


Sustainable development, corporate responsibility, socio-environmental aspects, business analysis, comprehensive assessment

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142241496   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.3580

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