Stress state of metal protective coatings under critical loading conditions
Автор: Lepesh G.V., Basova M.V.
Журнал: Технико-технологические проблемы сервиса @ttps
Рубрика: Методические основы совершенствования проектирования и производства технических систем
Статья в выпуске: 4 (70), 2024 года.
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The article presents a study of the mechanism of fatigue development in protective coatings which are applies to the bore of gas-dynamic pulse devices during their operation, in order to apply its results to the assessment of the resistance of coatings under conditions of high temperature and force loading by a flow of combustion products.
Combustion products, temperature, pressure, stress-strain state, heat-protective coating, destruction, coating fracture, segment
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