Folk beliefs and rituals in the wedding tradition of Kyrgyz and Altaians

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Wedding ceremonies of Kyrgyz and Altaians are accompanied by folk beliefs and rituals, which contain identical ancient beliefs of both peoples. This article presents the results of a comparative analysis of folklore and ethnographic materials from the wedding traditions of the Kyrgyz and Altai peoples. The results revealed surprisingly detailed similarities in the rituals, taboos observed and customs performed during wedding ceremonies. The author also noted that in the modern life of the Kyrgyz people there is a process of revaluation of values, including in wedding rituals, under the influence of the ever-growing advance of Islam.


Ceremonies, rituals, beliefs, customs, folklore, taboos, blessing-algys, fumigation

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IDR: 170203337   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-2-2-200-204

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