The herpetobion spider assemblages (Aranei) of the xerophytic biocenoses of the "Chuvashskiy mys" (Tobolsk, Tyumen area)

Автор: Turaeva A.S., Esyunin S.L.

Журнал: Вестник Пермского университета. Серия: Биология @vestnik-psu-bio

Рубрика: Зоология

Статья в выпуске: 2, 2015 года.

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The herpetobion spiders from three xerophytic biocenoses of the Chuvash Cape in environs of Tobolsk were sampled for five years (2008-2012) using pitfall-traps. The studied spider populations of the dry grass-multiherbaceous meadow and Artemisia-Agropyron slope habitat are differs by the number and composition of species. The dry meadow site is distinguishable by the presence of some mesophilous meadow and forest species, such as Allomengea scopigera, Bathyphantes gracilis, Drassylus pusillus, Haplodrassus soerenseni, Pardosa fulvipes, Troxochrus scabriculus, Zelotes latreillei. The slope site is characteristic by the presence of both, the steppe (Alopecosa taeniopus, Gnaphosa madschurica, Herieus oblongus, Ipa terrenus) and xerophilous (Gnaphosa bicolor, Haplodrassus kulczynskii) spider species. Whereas the three aspects (vernal - summer -autumnal) of spider assemblages are detected on a dry meadow site, only two aspects (vernal-summer and autumnal) - are distinguishable on the steppe slope site. On the dry meadow locality, the most abundant species include Pachygnatha degeeri in spring, Xerolycosa miniata in spring and summer, and Centromerus sylvaticus in autum. On the slope locality, the most abundant species include Drassylus vinealis in spring and Asianellus festivus in summer.


Xerophytic biocenose, southern taiga subzone, west siberia, spider assemblage

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IDR: 147204718

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