The legacy of the Siberian old believers in the formation of Christian "pedagogical ideal"

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The article considers the views of the Old Believers on issues of upbringing and education of young people, which were not only a literacy system, but also a mechanism for translating a religious outlook, the custodians of which were Old Believers. The product of this educational design, its «pedagogical ideal», was the carrier of the Orthodox Christian system of values, which largely reflecting the cultural-historical type of personality, going back to the Old Russian period, embodied in the Old Testament as a person harmoniously inscribed in the patriarchal way of life. In the conditions of Siberian colonization, this type proved to be corrected by the Old Believers, in the educational system promoting the traits of the New Testament ideal of the Christian man, with his inherent democratism and respect for the rights of the individual. The successful reproduction of the religious and cultural traditions by the Old Believers was hampered by the conditions of the changing world around, first of all, the rapid development of capitalism in Russia and the formation of bourgeois society, the inevitable consequences of which were the destruction of the traditional way of life, the secularization of state institutions and public consciousness. All this encouraged the Old Believer communities to modernize the education system, in which the main problem was the preservation of the Christian “pedagogical ideal”.


Old believer education, old testament pedagogical ideal, reproduction of religious and cultural traditions, christian pedagogical ideal, religious identity

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IDR: 144161175

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