Natural conditions as a nosogeographic factor

Автор: Toshpulatov A.

Журнал: Экономика и социум @ekonomika-socium

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 3 (70), 2020 года.

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In this article, the impact of natural conditions and factors on the health of the population and the features of the geographical spread of diseases are highlighted on the example of the Namangan region, one of the mountainous regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Population health, natural conditions, nosogeography, organoleptic status of water, migration of elements, geoecological factors

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140247859

Список литературы Natural conditions as a nosogeographic factor

  • Address Of The President Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev To The Oliy Majlis.
  • (Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президенти Шавкат Мирзиёевнинг Олий Мажлисга Мурожаатномаси)
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  • Kadirov R. Residents and labor resources of the Fergana region. -Tashkent.: "Navro'z", 2016. -P. 168.
  • (Қодиров Р. Фарғона минтақаси аҳолиси ва меҳнат ресурслари. -T.: "Navro'z", 2016. -168 б.)
  • Jumakhanov Sh., Otamirzaeva M. Hygienic and epidemiological features of consumer water of the population of Namangan region // Geography and globalization: theory and practice. International scientific-practical conference. -Andijan, 2018. -P. 260 - 262.
  • (Жумаханов Ш., Отамирзаева М. Наманган вилояти аҳолиси истеъмол сувининг гигиеник ва эпидемиологик хусусиятлари// География ва глобализация: Назария ва амалиёт. Халқаро илмий-амалий конференсия. -Андижон, 2018. 260 - 262 б.)
  • Statistical data of Uzbekistan (Ўзбекистон статистик маълумотлари)
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