Natural Image Super Resolution through Modified Adaptive Bilinear Interpolation Combined with Contra Harmonic Mean and Adaptive Median Filter

Автор: Suresha D, Prakash H N

Журнал: International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP) @ijigsp

Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.8, 2016 года.

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Super resolution is a technique to enhance the scale of image in digital image processing. The single low resolution and multiple low resolution techniques have been used by many researchers in reconstructing high resolution image. The above resolution increasing techniques are researched under spatial and frequency domain. When increased in the resolution of image, it is very important to retain the quality of image, which is the challenging task in the domain of digital image processing. Here in this paper, the super resolution architecture for single low resolution technique has been proposed to reconstruct the high resolution image by combining interpolation and restoration methods in spatial domain. The modified adaptive bilinear interpolation is proposed for interpolation and contra harmonic mean & adaptive median filter are used for restoration of single low resolution image. The experimentation is done on standard data set show that, the results obtained from modified adaptive bilinear interpolation are competitively improved when compare to other existing single low resolution techniques in interpolation domain.


Super resolution, nearest neighbor, bilinear, bicubic, modified adaptive bilinear interpolation, contra harmonic mean, adaptive median filter

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IDR: 15013947

Список литературы Natural Image Super Resolution through Modified Adaptive Bilinear Interpolation Combined with Contra Harmonic Mean and Adaptive Median Filter

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