Nature prerequisites for zoning of suburban area of Krasnoyarsk city

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The suburban area is a multifunctional area that has a few problems. This area should protect the ecological city area, should solve the recreation problems of the city, should supply citizens with perishable goods, and should also have an economy and science functions for the city development. In connection with the development process of suburbanization, this territory is very important for city development. Russia’s economy is going through major transitions. These transitions are rapidly changing the relationship between cities (urban areas), countryside (rural areas) and the development, growth, and popularity of suburbia. The process of suburbanization takes place in biggest cities of Russia, including Krasnoyarsk City. The modern Krasnoyarsk with a population of about 1mln people occupies the territory of 34115 ha. This article examines the analysis of functions of suburban area and connects these functions with zoning of the suburban territory. The author analyze the nature conditions of suburban area and it connection with functional zoning of territory.


Suburban area, zoning of territory, krasnoyarsk city

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