The scientific and teological interpretation of history in the 4th - 5th centuries: atempts and tendencies

Автор: Legeyev Mikhail Viktorovich, Zinkovsky Stanislav Anatolyevich, Zinkovsky Yevgeny Anatolyevich

Журнал: Христианское чтение @christian-reading

Рубрика: Теология

Статья в выпуске: 4 (81), 2018 года.

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This article continues the cycle of articles by authors and is dedicated to the development of the theology of history in patristic thought [Legeev et al., 2018a; Legev, 2018c; Legeev, 2018b]. Despite the fact that the problem of history departs in the 4th - 5th centuries. on the background to the most urgent for the Church questions of Triadology and Christology, it is she who is at the epicentre of attention of the most grandiose attempts at the theological synthesis of this epoch. 24 Христианское чтение № 4, 2018 Being generally not without many problems, the theological systems of Evagrius of Pontus and the St. Augustine are a kind of valuable material for studying the development of views on history, on its laws and their relationship to human freedom, to participate in the historical processes of the Holy Trinity, the Church and a separate human person. Contemporaries of Evagrius and St. Augustine, such as the Cappadocian fathers, St. Macarius of Egypt and St. John Cassian, make their valuable contribution to the problems of historical processes, correcting the most obvious shortcomings and errors of their views on history.


History, christian historiosophy, church, holy trinity, synergy, freedom, evagrius of pontus, st. makarios of egypt, st. john cassian, st. augustine

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IDR: 140246593   |   DOI: 10.24411/1814-5574-2018-10078

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