A scientific and methodological approach to improving the economic security of businesses in the system of state defense orders based on the use of smart contracts

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The problem of intensification of the economic development of the Russian Federation in the aspects of digitalization of the economic system of the military-industrial complex and its transfer to smart contracts and distributed registry sub-technologies is considered. A methodological approach is presented to improve the economic efficiency of interaction between the corporate business of the defense industry and institutional government authorities responsible for the digital development of key sectors of the defense industry economy and responsible for the distribution and control of budget funds allocated to state corporations within the framework of the state defense order. Intellectualization and digitalization of contract and contract economic activity of defense industry entities are determined by the main directions of changes in the economic system of the defense industry, which fit into the scientific, technical and industrial policy of the Russian Federation and determine the trajectory of the defense industry economic system with the goal of increasing its economic security.


Smart contract, industry 4.0, state defense order, economic security, military-industrial complex, digital technologies

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148328334

IDR: 148328334

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