Academic and technological development and innovative research in the forestry of foreign countries: overview of sources
Статья: Academic and technological development and innovative research in the forestry of foreign countries: overview of sources
Автор: Kuzmichev E., Trushina I., Trushina N.
Журнал: Лесохозяйственная информация @forestry-information
Рубрика: Зарубежная информация
Статья в выпуске: 1, 2022 года.
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Modern global challenges fully engage the forestry - sphere, which is responsible for existence and usage of the forest ecosystems. Forest economy sector of the country needs adaptation to the market globalization, technological development, emerging of the new kinds of wood products, increased competition and ecological requirement strengthening. This article is dedicated to the trends in academic and technological forestry development in the foreign countries. The paper also describes existing and planned research programs of the new forest technologies. The article is aimed at researchers and experts of the forest sector and intended to improve the competitiveness and stability of the Russian forestry.
Academic and technological development, forestry, promising fields of research, forecast of the eu forestry development
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 143178326 | DOI: 10.24419/LHI.2304-3083.2022.1.07