Some analytical constructions with the auxiliary verbs marginal status in the Altai language

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Purpose: The category of verbal aspect is the core of the functional-semantic field of aspectuality. The Russian language has a grammatical category of aspect, which is represented by the opposition of perfective and imperfective aspects. Projection of the Slavic category of aspect on Turkic languages was not entirely successful. Not all languages demonstrate a regular morphological expression of the aspectual meaning. This prompted us to search for the morphological expression of these meanings (temporal limits: telicity and atelicity, perfection and imperfection) in Turkic verb forms, establishing the novelty and relevance of our research. Results: In relation to the problem of aspect in Turkic languages, the analytical (bi-verbal) constructions analyzed in this article have been repeatedly addressed: Тv= (Ы)п/А + Vвсп, where Tv is the stem of the verb, =(Ы)п, =А are markers of adverbial participles, and Vвсп is an auxiliary verb with the meaning of non-processiveness. These structures form an integral part of Turkic grammar. Lack of regular abstract grammatical forms covering the entire vocabulary was the basis for denying the existence of a grammatical category of aspect in Turkic languages. It has been established that the main meaning of these structures is the expression of methods or type of the action denoted by verbs. Non-processive verbs express different types of verbal action that do not participate in the formation of new aspectual-temporal forms, including perfectives and imperfectives (the most common ones), i.e. such forms that turn the atelic (non-transformative) stems into telic (transformative) and vice versa. The article deals with unproductive auxiliary verbs in analytical constructions on the basis of the Altai language. We offer a brief overview of the history of the study of these verbs, describe the functions performed by these verbs and determine their place in the Altai verbal system. Conclusion: In Altai, the most frequent analytical constructions (i.e. ones that can be combined with the open class of semantic verbs) are the ones formed by auxiliary verbs with non-processive meanings ber= ‘to give’, al= ‘to take’, ii= ‘to send’, kal= ‘to stay’, koi=, sal= ‘to put’; the analytical constructions with 5 auxiliary verbs (d’et= ‘to get’, bashta= ‘to start’ tokto= ‘to stop’, bozho= ‘to end’, chyk= ‘to leave, to go out’, tuesh= ‘to go down’) are analyzed in our article and can be found in Altai texts, but their status is believed to be marginal, and they can only be combined with a limited number of verbs. Lexical restrictions of auxiliary verbs of the described class are not spontaneous, but are caused by specific peculiarities of verbal lexical semantics.


Analytical design, auxiliary verbs, altai language, turkic languages of siberia, morphology, aspects, action alert

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IDR: 147219682

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